I’m a going to give you my best interior design advice. DO NOT follow trends! That’s right, you heard it here first. Do not follow trends. That’s just crazy talk right??
Let me explain. If you have ever had a consultation with me or are one of my clients, I have asked you to tell me a little about your style. Nine times out of ten, the response is some sort of trend. This isn’t bad and it does point me in the right direction. But unless you are starting from absolute scratch, you already have some things that we will be incorporating into your new home. And most times your new home will look nothing like your last. So, we need to blend them. You have collected things from your travels, from family, paid a lot of money for, or possibly pieces from your first marriage that you fought over to keep….so they have to stay!
But, trends are called trends for a reason. They do not stick around. You don’t even want to get me started on the gray walls, gray floors, gray gray gray trend. It was bad when it started and refuses to die. Please stop. Homes do not sell better because you painted your walls gray and installed white shaker cabinets and white subway tile. It has been so overdone that it turns away prospective buyers. Your home needs to reflect you. Of course we are influenced by what we see. Modern farmhouse has it’s place. I have designed them. But that doesn’t mean we should all have everything black, white and rustic. You can take parts a pieces from the trends that you actually like and incorporate them, but please do not base your entire remodel or new construction home around them, or you will get bored really quick. And kick yourself for spending a ton of money on things you didn’t love.

Shiplap is the perfect example. When that word is said we all think of the designer that supposedly coined that idea. But she didn’t, she just made it popular. It is the perfect detail in a coastal style home. But it was so overused that I hate saying it to clients. It sounds so unimaginative. However in some situations, it is the perfect thing to use.
When a new trend is gaining traction, the retailers (like Target and Homegoods) take notice. The start to sell things such as artwork, bedding, etc. The more we see it, the more we think we should buy it and incorporate into our homes. But give it a couple years and then it’ll be something else completely different. Then we feel like our homes are dated….because they are. So the cycle starts over. It’s bad for our wallets and our environment. Instead, focus on quality pieces that you love, that you will continue to love when the next trend arrives.

I’ll use myself as an example. I recently moved my home office into the basement. My home was built in 1990 during the beige craze. It’s finished but every thing is some shade of brown. Yuck. Beige walls, Berber carpet (gag me), but the ceiling is beautiful bead board. So I need to work with that. The main floors of my home are very coastal. I have been debating with myself for months about what to do with the walls. I painted them white for now to brighten it up. I only have 1 egress window. I want to show my personality and style through wallpaper. But what do I choose?? I am my own worst client. But I went through everything a client does when they try to design their home on their own. I narrowed down my options to three. The first one had a coastal feel, the second was more moody, and the third was more on trend. It was white with very soft pink flowers sketched on it. Because this wallpaper will show up on Zoom, I have been too concerned with what potential clients would think. What if it’s not their style so they don’t hire me? What if they think it’s ugly? What if what if what if…..
Then I finally listened to my own advice and bought the one I loved the most. It’s a bit moody. It has a navy blue background (I love navy) and a natural linen looking print. I absolutely love linen. But the print…..is bunnies! What..why? I really don’t know. But I love it. It’s a modern spin on a traditional damask and I love it. And it will look amazing with the ceiling. My style is a bit coastal and a but rustic and this wallpaper fits the bill. Now the rest of my office design will fall into place because I am started with something I love.

So, you do you. Design your home based on your needs, wants, and loves. Don’t feel pressured to follow trends. You won’t regret it.